3Friends 0Fans
male Longview, WA, United States
Hi, I'm Caspian! I'm Nine in Second Life.:-D
I like drawing, and Steampunk, and plants, and books!
I'm in the middle of moving irl, so keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I move ALLL the way across country to Washington State. :-)
Stormy says
12 years ago 8
Stormy says
12 years ago
Allergies ;-;
Stormy shares
12 years ago<3
Stormy says
12 years ago
Nooooo :-( :-( :-( :-( It's going to be "One of those days"
Stormy says
12 years ago 3
Dear SL, please keep your lag to yourself, That is all.
Stormy says
12 years ago
"SCREAMS" I slept til 11:00am!! D:
Stormy says
12 years ago
And my day is come to an end.. (PLOP)
Stormy says
12 years ago 2
OMG OMG OMG!!!.... I have BBQ :-D
Stormy says
12 years ago 1
Got a super busy day ahead of me.. But least I got to see my Daddy, today before I have to leave <3
Stormy says
12 years ago
I just had to ar a pervert >.<