DH has to get the chickens, some wood, wire, pallets to help us at our homestead. If rabbits, goats, and pigs so good eats.
DH keeps leaving the door open. It is 50°f right now! I might hurt him, lol. I am dressed warmly for the door closed not windy & open! Lol
I need to find an inexpensive pressure cooker and cookbook. It will save propane which will save lots when cooking beans,and such!
Chris Matthews went from Obama giving him a thrill up his leg to being almost antiObama. Wow, why aren't others realizing it?
Our of grid friends are moving to AZ for a job. Only upside is chickens and possible cheap goats. I am happy that they found a better job.
Sickly bunny is clear from visible ring worm. She will have 5 days more of treatment so hopeful she is done for sicklies for long long time.
Please keep us in your prayers. DH has contact about a job as a school custodian. Interviews are next week. We need him to find a job soon.
My mom is annoying.She knows that I can't afford new yarn. I need 900 yds for her gift. She says no to gray don't have that in other colors.
Omg, t-mobile is insane with their notification! Seriously once is enough or I ignore them!
Bunny isn't healing fast enough from ringworm so we got a new antifungal. This should heal in 10 days instead of 30. She will hate it!