Vincent Hunt
2Friends 16Fans
male Albany, GA, United States
"I design stuff, tell amazing stories in 140 characters or less, eat far too many Twizzlers and use the right side of my brain compulsively..." V.A. Hunt 1972™
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Is the totality of our lives a product of our thinking? Bishop, Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"God has one of the best Advertising Agencies in the world. It's called the scriptures..." Bishop, Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Preparing to tweet and BrightKite live from Rhema Word International Ministries discoverrhema
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Joey Reiman: Innocence - Talking about the power of creativity and innovation in future business -
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Setting up at Albany State University to do a talk on Viral Marketing, Social Media and Brand.
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
How Thinkers Get Paid to Think: #2. Thinking for Yourself and Others...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Denver finally has a Twitter User Network!! Yay!! dentweetguide Hook up!!
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Elizabeth King gives a solid perspective of what it means to "Creatively Thrive"...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Monetizing your Social Media endeavors... I get this question often, here is my answer...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Killer Video of a Virtual World shop/store where I have PERSONALLY spent maybe 250.00USD