Vincent Hunt
2Friends 16Fans
male Albany, GA, United States
"I design stuff, tell amazing stories in 140 characters or less, eat far too many Twizzlers and use the right side of my brain compulsively..." V.A. Hunt 1972™
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
Fresh New Video's by Edward de Bono: Lateral Thinking, Highly Successful People, Simplicity...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Do not spend all of your time in your own head... Expand your understanding, let people in, get new perspectives..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Pride mocks you, and jealousy torments you..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Emotional pain is weakness leaving the body..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"There is always a way... And a time..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Gods will, will never take you where you are not graced..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Life is too short to be in-happy..." Bishop Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Failure is written in pencil..." Bishop Kirby Clemmons
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Self doubt is not prfitable..." Bishop Clemmons...
Vincent Hunt
15 years ago
"Marriage is for grown folks..." Bishop, Kirby Clemmons