2Friends 11Fans
male San Diego, CA, United States
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
"Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him" - Isaiah 53:10
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
It's worse to make a song about not making songs about rims and girls than to make a song about rims and girls.
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
Today we attempt to identify the unidentifiable. Forgive us for our unintentional idolatry.
SyntaxRecords has
13 years ago
recently recieved a batch of high quality demos.
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
"I'm a sucker for corn rows and manicured toes." - Nelly
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
Happy everyone came from someone day.
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
What God DOES is always consistent with who God IS.
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
God exchanges our sins for Christ's righteousness. All who trust in Christ stand before God filled with the very righteousness of Christ!
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
"Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right." - Marilyn Monroe
SyntaxRecords says
13 years ago
Celebrate Resurrection not Consumerism.