♥J-esterrr! :D
28Friends 8Fans
female Singapore
I'm not anti-social.(Unlike SOMEBODY :-D)

Psst, tuna's mine. (:
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 9
Now everyone go to bed le. D:
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 6
1 minute to 19 June 2009 xD
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 8
Now literally everyone responding than plurking xD
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 9
Aiya, today people karma confirm skyrocket one. xD
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 6
This must be the first time anyone gets many responses in such a short time. o.o
♥J-esterrr! :D says
15 years ago 6
Oh deaaarzxz, Plurk is getting laggy. (sick)
♥J-esterrr! :D wishes
15 years ago 7
her karma would reach 50 like the others soon. :-)
♥J-esterrr! :D has
15 years ago
her grandma and baby cousin staying at her house for the time being. :-))
♥J-esterrr! :D wonders
15 years ago 78
what's with the 'nini's and 'nehneh's o.o
♥J-esterrr! :D has
15 years ago 1
not done her homework! D: Anyone willing to study with me? x)