16Friends 12Fans
male Victoria, BC, Canada
TaiChiPaulYang needs
14 years ago 1
to start plurking again
TaiChiPaulYang needs
14 years ago 2
to relax my upper body. I did find out the upper body is tight from the recent pictures.
14 years ago
quotes Grandmaster Cheng's words, "the Tao of heaven is built upons yin and yang; the Tao of earth is based on the soft and hard;...."
TaiChiPaulYang says
14 years ago
要把拳練好, 先把丹田守好吧! 全身皆手手非手, 但須方寸隨時守所守
TaiChiPaulYang says
14 years ago
practicing Tai Chi should similar to water flowing....
TaiChiPaulYang says
14 years ago
many friends ask me teach them Tai Chi these days. Is it the time people retired from work?
TaiChiPaulYang says
14 years ago
this morning is only one degree. feel so cold riding my scooter.
14 years ago
remembers Yoda said, "Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
TaiChiPaulYang thinks
14 years ago 1
about quit drinking coffee.
TaiChiPaulYang says
14 years ago
it snow this morning and now sun comes out and temperature rises to 10 now.