78Friends 79Fans
male Taiwan
Dear Friends: Sorry that I am unable to type Chinese characters on my home computer (because of the OS and the keyboard on my laptop), but I can read Mandarin without any problems. Please feel free to write me in either language as you please. 3Q :-)
TaiwanYeser shares
3 years ago 1
TaiwanYeser shares
4 years ago 1
2020年2月6日郭文贵先生接受班农先生战斗室采访,谈武汉疫情! 郭文貴遺憾自己沒把英文學好! 但還是很認真的在傳播事實,以他的財力,買張博士學位定沒問題,但他還是寧願說自己沒學問也沒文化,更不在意被笑!
TaiwanYeser shares
4 years ago 1
2020.01.30|《柳葉刀》武漢肺炎致死率11%|武漢肺炎將達高峰?寵物也要防疫!|各國撤僑、停飛,... 看看童文薰對武漢病毒疫情數字,在各方提出之虛實如何判辨真偽的說法?