22Friends 31Fans
female Milwaukee, WI, United States
Math/Technology Integration Specialist elementary school in Milwaukee area. Assistive Tech...UWM Ad Hoc Tammy Lind loves new gadgets of all sorts
TamL17 says
16 years ago
It is VERY cold in Milwaukee today!! No snow shoeing for me!
TamL17 says
16 years ago
Went to see movie Bolt tonight..have to admit that I kinda liked it!!
TamL17 says
16 years ago 2
I have been out of plurk for a whole weekend and have 260 unread responses! Oh boy...
TamL17 says
16 years ago
Come on Warner--how does 400 yds, 5 TDs and no INT sound??
TamL17 says
16 years ago
Weird day today--go to work at noon for P-T conferences and then work til 8:30. AM seems so hurried. 2nd shift would be hard.
TamL17 says
16 years ago
It was just a white out with snow and now it's sunny and beautiful (still cold)! No accumulation yet. They are predicting a COLD week!
TamL17 asks
16 years ago
Does anyone use Microsoft Office Live Workspace? Relatively new--lots like Google Docs only all Office apps. Would love your thoughts...
TamL17 says
16 years ago
A Vikings player was just hurt so bad that they won't show the replay..that is sad. Poor Guy--hopes he can recover to play again.
16 years ago 5
Trying out ping.fm for the first time. Wonder if I would use this on a regular basis.
TamL17 asks
16 years ago 4
Am making myself use Plurk more..any good advice? I have a karma of 0--oh boy!