a turtle
99Friends 12Fans
Regina, SK, Canada
hello hi I am Snapdragon
a turtle
5 years ago 44
it's -41° right now and IM TOO COLD TO LEAVE MY BED
a turtle
5 years ago 49
the avalanche of back to back tabletops ends...... FOR NOW
a turtle
5 years ago 23
tortle time........
a turtle
5 years ago 43 @Edit 5 years ago
[and also tabletop talk] ive got tabletop nights FOUR NIGHTS IN A ROW
a turtle
5 years ago 57
a turtle
5 years ago 6
mobile doesn't let me link to these doll makers and it's a tragedy
a turtle
5 years ago 35
it's a diner kind of day...
a turtle
5 years ago 3
it is very blessed that these dogs want to cuddle but jeepers it is a rough sleep trying to fit on a single with a dog right in the middle of it
a turtle
5 years ago 8
I did regular normal Snapdragon with yesterday's cool fun doll maker, so today let's meet The Cooler Snap, who is a gay lizard