5Friends 2Fans
female Fort Wayne, IN, United States
Hewo Everybody, Mine name is Tenshi. I am 3 piggies old and I loves Pink! I spend lots of time playing games and getting into troubles. Cus I little and dats what I do! I wike making friends and drawing on the walls at home. I eat things off da floor
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
Tenshibubble hopes
12 years ago
Unki will be able to fix his home cus of Tobias tearings it apart. https://images.plurk.com/7MeIuqIk4sb3jeoCq9XQOH.jpgDats alot of Damage <3
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago 1
Fighting demons wif her family <3 https://images.plurk.com/4QxQG4nmZTncWeB12PQO4e.jpg
Tenshibubble is
12 years ago 7
Is sad dat i hasa go to work instead of spending time wif mine mom and dad. :'-(
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/y811Xg1tDGjCWTkvHSTNn.jpgSee how bigs him is a compareded to me. Hims could squash me.
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago
I loves Mine new cranky friend <3 Tobias https://images.plurk.com/SlaY8VADP5eRGhRNa2b77.jpgEben if mommy not believes him real. At least daddy aleaves me.
Tenshibubble shares
12 years ago 2
https://images.plurk.com/rkhswdZuwNS2ZpXExXbJ3.jpgand I flooded da bathroom with Lilac