8Friends 1Fans
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago
Progress on my Seven and Zero.
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago 2
My room mate planted a Chinese Hackberry in the front yard today.
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago 1
Progress on the Seven and Zero shawlette. Really liking this yarn by Republic of Wool.
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago 1
I have started the Seven and Zero pattern. Love it, hate the font the designer used. Had someone transcribe it for me to regular print.
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago
Found this shroom just chillin' under our gate. Surprised the gate hasn't knocked its to off.
TheKnottyKnitter is
10 years ago 1
Trying to wake up. Had coffee... what's the deal here?
TheKnottyKnitter is
10 years ago 2
Knitting on the Daybreak shawl still. Only 18 more rows to go. :-o
TheKnottyKnitter says
10 years ago
20 very long rows to go. Do I feel lucky???
TheKnottyKnitter feels
10 years ago
Angry! Plurk won't let me change my public profile information because my profile name is 1 character to long. Why did they let me have it to begin with then?
TheKnottyKnitter hopes
10 years ago
To be able to record a podcast tomorrow. Depends on the mail today.