just fucking wonderful husband got a job just in time for christmas and in time for us to lose our benefits- which means the money we were getting on the first that we were counting on - POOF
finding matched socks to go to my appt was one of my dreaded tasks when i found out hubby had given me a choice of not jus 1 but TWO matched sets rolled up and waitin for me in the dryer <3 off to appt!
ok ive detoxed off the dang pills FOUR TIMES NOW im in pain but IM NOT EMERGENT enough to take the gallbladder out ASAP so does this mean unless i want to detox off the pills a fifth time ..
so apparantly i am one step closer to being the emotionless monster that i dislike so much. apparantly i have cysts on my sinuses. that means whenever i cry i will get migraines. no more crying anymore -