59Friends 12Fans
female Montreal, QC, Canada
Writer, ask about The Colony located in Deimos!
Owner of The Docks Shoppes located in Jenner
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 1
5 days til my head asplodes
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago
can someone package some hope and ship it to me i need some
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 1 ohhh the lil things :-D
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 4 the streets closed off and they finally got the water shut off but it did a number on the actual road
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 2
seriously considering calling up my family who will be gathered all together except for me and basically just saying please dont contact me again. ever.
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 2
i go to my surgery consult today armed with throw up bags which are oddly unnecessary as while im retching im throwing up nothing as ive eaten nothing in ages
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago
ok its kinda sad that i have no family to count on i have to resort to asking my brother in law's EX WIFE for help regarding my surgery, but yay she is willing
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago
can someone kindly go tell the neighbor below me to stfu with a baseball bat and stop blaring his gd music
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago
i would like a christmas profile piccy i think it would be cheery and i need cheery does anyone know who could do a good one?
CaptainCrispy says
10 years ago 1
i started rereading snowcrash again as i was thinking during my decade anniversary year about how second life got started and how snowcrash played heavily in the creation of SL and buzzwords like "metaverse"