17Friends 13Fans
female Annapolis, MD, United States
Feisty, friendly, flirtatious, fun, fancy, finicky, flighty, fastidious, freckled, fascinating female feline.
TheMews shares
15 years ago 4
JK Wedding Entrance Dance the *best* wedding entrance EVER!
15 years ago 2
enjoyed Harry Potter last night and gets to see it again tonight! (it was a bit different, this time).
15 years ago 7
realizes she forgot her driver's license, credit card *and* cash in her jeans - at home. Grrrr (angry)
TheMews shares
15 years ago
Skating Babies - Evian Skating Babies!~!
TheMews shares
15 years ago 5
Stavros Flatley (BEST quality) - Britains Got Talent The New Lord of the Dance!
TheMews wonders
15 years ago 4
if there is a web site that she could see the traffic incidents (hours later) that caused her to be so late to work.
TheMews shares
15 years ago 6
JONATHAN E. MCCOY'S SPEECH: A New Petition The *n* word speech by a 10 yo
TheMews is
15 years ago
down to her last 2 days of being a true VA resident.