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Deathers: The New Birthers ping.fm/beJo5
National Review Online Editorial Board Debunks the Birther Claims ping.fm/jr9mM
Freshmen Senators From Colorado Get Smacked Down by Columbine Father for Support of Thune Gun Amendment ping.fm/GiS0e
Maddow and O’Reilly Agree on Birthers!? (VIDEOS) ping.fm/jZ3pJ
Stephen Colbert on the Birthers!- Pt. 2 (ORLY TAITZ IS ON THE SHOW!!) ping.fm/bvCcX
Stephen Colbert on the Birthers!- Pt. 1 (Video) ping.fm/yZR3P
Morning Reads- Today's Best Articles on News and Politics (in my opinion, of course) ping.fm/9GCFw
Palin’s Poetry: A William Shatner Production (Video) ping.fm/bxNaf
Last Call: Thank You, Senator Specter! (Video) ping.fm/5fMiP
Glenn Beck: Obama a “Racist” ping.fm/4U63A