12Friends 1Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
The person who convinced me to sign up for plurk dumped me. Such gratitude.
TheSquire asks
10 years ago
why must the snow accumulate? I realize that snow sometimes happens in spring, but accumulation? Really?
TheSquire is
10 years ago
ready for bed after spending 4+ hours of my most recent shift pretending to be an ICU nurse
TheSquire asks
10 years ago 8
why did they put Michigan and Duke in the same corner of the bracket?
TheSquire says
10 years ago
The guy across from me on the L is running the ball-and-cup game
TheSquire says
10 years ago
temporary fillings are distracting
TheSquire asks
10 years ago 3
What's more depressing than taking a Christmas tree down by myself?
TheSquire says
10 years ago
Figure skating is even less interesting when you can't hear the music.
10 years ago 16
apparently I'm jumping off a bridge with the rest of you. Ask me questions off of this here list.
TheSquire has
10 years ago 3
reached new levels of academic chutzpah. I just cited a previous discussion board post of mine in my current discussion board assignment - using proper APA formatting, of course.
TheSquire was
10 years ago 4
Practicing his small talk skills