9Friends 4Fans
Nette says
15 years ago
she's homeworking 8-) :-D
Nette feels
15 years ago
bored and stressed she has lots of work to be done asap. (doh) + :-(
Nette says
15 years ago
had dinner at Gim Tim Restaurant just now (mmm)
Nette loves
15 years ago
little sister (heart)
Nette says
15 years ago
i have reach home like one hour ago hahahah.
Nette is
15 years ago
going to bed soon (: > (sleeping) Good nigt.
Nette thinks
15 years ago
that she's abit mad, what she should be thinking about is studying prelim is just round the corner *sucks* (doh)
Nette is
15 years ago
starting gonna start doing her works, little sister using the laptop (heart)
Nette feels
15 years ago
bored oh my i want to go shopping shit i just don't have my study mood 8-)
Nette has
15 years ago
just finish tuition not long ago, gonna do all the worksheetsssss now