Bip Bop
84Friends 267Fans
female Orlando, FL, United States
Would it take a bakers dozen to get my point to you?
Would it take a half a pound to roll a joint for you?
Would it take some hailing mary's so full of grace to get my sound to you?
Will you help me break it down and get on through?

Bip Bop
12 years ago
6-12 hours mineralization
Bip Bop
12 years ago
Bip Bop
12 years ago
Macrophages and osteoclast have common ancestors.
Bip Bop
12 years ago
for every H+ secreted, there’s one HCO3- reabsorbed.
Bip Bop
12 years ago
75% of buffering capacity 24mmol/L
Bip Bop
12 years ago
Increased tubular flow rate, chronic acidosis and glucocorticoids increase K
Bip Bop
12 years ago
Epinephrine, Insulin and Aldosterone promote Potassium uptake
Bip Bop
12 years ago
endothelins constrict
Bip Bop
12 years ago
renal autoregulation 90-180mmHg
Bip Bop
12 years ago
dun wan to study enimowr