Bip Bop
84Friends 267Fans
female Orlando, FL, United States
Would it take a bakers dozen to get my point to you?
Would it take a half a pound to roll a joint for you?
Would it take some hailing mary's so full of grace to get my sound to you?
Will you help me break it down and get on through?

Bip Bop
12 years ago 2
Glad to be exempted but im bored to death
Bip Bop
12 years ago
hard work really pays off
Bip Bop
12 years ago
Bip Bop
12 years ago
300 ml -> 375ml; 4m ->4.75; 500ml CO; 70/50mmHg
Bip Bop
12 years ago 3
iron 250mg ca 22.5mg po4 13.5
Bip Bop
12 years ago
HCG detected at 9th day of conception
Bip Bop
12 years ago
dhea 25-30mins diurnal; dheas 7-10hrs
Bip Bop
12 years ago
nakakasira ng bones si cortisol
Bip Bop
12 years ago
pyridinoline structures
Bip Bop
12 years ago
integrin vitronectin