1Friends 0Fans
female Beaumont, TX, United States
11 years ago 5
Hey, Facsimilii! Do you have plans for any sort of Shifting World character sheets or anything? I know you mentioned shifter-form ones, but what about otherwise?
11 years ago 4
Today is not quite as productive as I'd hoped, mostly due to the fact that breakfast upset my tummy. >.< Still working on cleanup, and beginning to be anxious about my 4pm deadline.
11 years ago
MC Rambling: Must remember an idea I had for lighting netherbrick areas: lava behind glass. My kid may be interested.
11 years ago 15
I don't want to do housework today. I want to just relax. However... I will do housework today.
11 years ago 8
Facsimilii: I just had the STRANGEST Xover idea ping me: Sherlock BBC/GW.
11 years ago
I want to stay up and play more minecraft dammit, not go to bed... but if I do, I'll be useless tomorrow, and I have too much to do before the kidlet and I play together. Ah well.
11 years ago
Last class of the night. Trying to decide how much I'm going to try to get done tonight, and how much will wait for tomorrow.
11 years ago
So bored. Wish I could be doing something fun.
11 years ago 4
Incredibly, there is such a thing as too much chocolate shake. >.< I'm suffering fed puppy syndrome now.
11 years ago 9
Also, this is the co-pilot from the pointy end: I. Am. Boooooored.