63Friends 22Fans
female Saint Louis, MO, United States
I have a blog at
that I spend most of my time working on. Also have one at . I also like gardening and reading.
Trisha says
16 years ago
it sucks that twitter still isn't working right
Trisha says
16 years ago 4
damn my karma went down!
16 years ago 1
(s_hungry) Eating fruit cake now. Yes, fruitcake. Good fruit cake is like a fine wine. And by good I mean the high quality stuff not crap
16 years ago
didn't get enough sleep last night but still has a lot of work to do today
Trisha is
16 years ago 1
now watching George Carlin on Youtube
Trisha asks
16 years ago 5
what is ?
Trisha asks
16 years ago 1
are there no Australians here to talk to tonight?
Trisha says
16 years ago 2
that when she plurks hardly anyone replies (s_tears)
16 years ago 2
I like the plurk widget, but I wish there was an option to make it more narrow.
16 years ago 1
Somehow or another my city location was changed and was wrong on my profile