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B <: Girlfriends Fifteenth Hugs Smiles Sticky Balloons Swings Sunset Ribbons Kbox Macspicy Purple Vinatge Hearts Bangles Photography Handmade notes Pooh Flowery laces & Retro ♥
Trixy says
15 years ago 2
i am not crazy horhs abby, nehneh (lmao)
Trixy will
15 years ago 6
HAHAHAHA okay the chinese is wierd (LOL)
Trixy 將会
15 years ago
be playing captain's ball on monday with team, weeheeeeeeeeeee~~~~! :-)
15 years ago 6
ji cun xixixixixi! :-)
Trixy is
15 years ago
watching fated to love you, cun xixixixixixi! :-)
Trixy hopes
15 years ago
to get out of this nightmareeeeeeeee.
Trixy loves
15 years ago
shall pluk until karma rises by one and freeze it again so i stay at 60 WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Trixy loves
15 years ago 2
jesus, girlfriends, abby (K)
Trixy says
15 years ago
long time since i plurkkkkkkkkk :-)
Trixy says
15 years ago 1
byebye to plurk. i don't wanna plurk anymore, cause karma very hard to rise plus it lags in my comp ):