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male Virtual West Michigan, Second life
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Valiant asks
12 years ago 6
Any new Cool SL builds to visit? A lot of my old favs are gone... :-(
Valiant shares
12 years ago
RL becoming like SL - The Democratization of Fashion Imagine if SL could bridge the gap & participate!
Valiant asks
12 years ago 3
"Lost" Music Videos from the 80's & 90's - What are your favorite blasts from the past?
Valiant shares
12 years ago 2 said spend 30 minutes a day on the bike!
Valiant shares
12 years ago
Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Rihanna - 2045!
Valiant shares
12 years ago 1
"Sign Humor" -
Valiant has
12 years ago 4
Just gotten back from seeing Prometheus. Could have been so cool... waste of time / money. 100 years in the future and the best weapon
Valiant shares
12 years ago 11
My favorite 1st Cousin dropped dead yesterday. I had just seen him and we were going sailing together this summer.. :-(
Valiant loves
12 years ago
This "Steampunk" "Techno-Glam" Music Video!