The Untouchable
47Friends 2Fans
male Chicago, IL, United States
I can't wait to be a lazy piece of shit and play all these video games
The Untouchable
8 years ago 9
[fate/go] The prophecy is complete
The Untouchable
8 years ago 2
The Untouchable
8 years ago 11 A sneak peak at the new Odin for you FFXIV types.
The Untouchable
8 years ago 4
[type moon] Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet holy shit this is all brilliant
The Untouchable
8 years ago 9
[F/GO] guess this shit game has it's claws in me for a bit longer.
The Untouchable
8 years ago
Call of Cthulhu screenshots not much, not not bad so far.
The Untouchable
8 years ago 9
[Melty Blood] These fucking steam achievements...
The Untouchable
8 years ago 38
[Tales of Link] Sure, why not. 765,024,284
The Untouchable
8 years ago
[pso2] LABO405 on Twitter
Huh... mazingergo looks like we ascend to crystal godhood easier now