6Friends 7Fans
male Second life
An avatar interested in spirituality, technology, and the intersection thereof
Wilfried is
15 years ago
pondering how best to interconnect all these web thingies and involvements
Wilfried is
15 years ago
building up energy for getting done what needs to be done
Wilfried is
15 years ago
learning again how to wait patiently
Wilfried is
15 years ago
thankful to all who helped make the Paul Watson event possible.
15 years ago
thanks Paul Watson and loozeta for making possible an awesome Second Life presentation!
Wilfried likes
15 years ago
the Presto-Matic slide viewer, a very cool Second Life freebie
Wilfried is
15 years ago
looking for a slideshow viewer for Second Life
Wilfried is
15 years ago
getting a late start
Wilfried is
15 years ago
enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon with friends in SL (so missing the sun)
15 years ago
enjoys a restful day