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female San Diego, CA, United States
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
The glass may be empty, but the war wages on.. #OccupySyrah wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
A $4 wine that get's the Wine Harlot Seal of Approval. (archive post.) wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
“Do your little bit of good where you are..." -- Desmond Tutu wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
Great wine for gifts. wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
Not sure what to give this season? Here's heartfelt suggestions. wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
A total broad, in the best sense of the word... wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
Great quote. bit.ly/unxM3I