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female San Diego, CA, United States
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
Drinking a glass of chocolate-covered cherries. wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots loves
12 years ago
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
Wine & a Good Book: Modern Style. wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
Good riddance to 2011... wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
Pink's Ode to Rosie the Riveter (but we think it's a tribute to all the Wine Harlots!) bit.ly/tr4qDQ
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
The Little Match Girl - the bleakest fairy tale ever. bit.ly/vOQKNT
WineHarlots shares
12 years ago
Angelic? Here's the wine for you. wineharlots.com/wordpres...
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
WineHarlots shares
13 years ago
The text for "A Visit from Santa Nicholas" wineharlots.com/wordpres...