I am surrounded by cats that want my attention.
/slinking guiltily back onto plurk after fuck knows how long
With great regret, I've dropped at Tartarus and I'm going on hiatus in Kore. I'll probably be dropping meme threads, too.
I worked in the garden pretty much all weekend. Except when I was sewing for the Farmer's Market. I don't know, here it is Sunday night and I'm still behind on tags and I don't want to work tomorrow.
I got my raspberry and pawpaw plants in the mail! I have to soak them overnight and then I can plant them tomorrow.
Oh...the sun came out this morning! That's a nice change from several days of rain.
Guys? I am really sorry for lagging with tags and losing control of my inbox. Work is running me into the ground. I think I'm just gonna go to bed early tonight and hope I can catch up later this week.
It's monday morning and I feel exhausted and like crying already. This is going to be a long week.
I have too much to-do list and not enough hours in the day.