My dog is having mood disprder lately.....
低調是我的外號!Low key is my nickname!
忍耐是我的名字!Patient is my name!
DO NOT msg, phone now in repair shop~ NO internet, FB,what's app,plurk,MSN,BBM,etc.ONLY a simple phone answering calls till futher notice~
Caroline Lin Costco的試吃阿姨很賣力的推銷我加拿大深海鮭魚,她說"這是加拿大空運來的……" 我很想告訴她你祖母我也是加拿大空運來的……冏~
原來在台灣職場里你的能力不能好過你的主管~要學著當廢人~Finally understand your ability can't be better then your manager in TW~ learn to be a jerk~
Back to Sony Ericsson old old old phone cause my storm blackberry dropped into water,better then last time, at least this time is not toilet