Got the Covid booster. Was thinking we’d be fine, how bad can this be. Few hours later, “oh that’s how bad this can be.” On the bright side, I’m just achy and feel like I have a cold
Got my first vaccine dose done. Sitting around for 15 minutes was boring, but probably the worst part. Everything was super quick and I barely felt the needle
Starting Hack The Box lessons on Linux: oh yeah, I used Linux in college, I should able to fly through the basics and get to the harder stuff pretty quick After getting stuck on the first exercise for 30 minutes: I know nothing, how does Linux, why do computers hate me?
Looking at new saxophones because I’ve been getting back into music during the pandemic. Why is everything that’s not a student sax over $1500?! And even some student ones are over 1000 😭 guess I’ll keep putting getting back into it for now