192Friends 216Fans
male WV, United States
I live in Wild and Wonderful West Virginia and work for a small environmental non-profit organization.

I enjoy gaming, music, hiking, fishing, eating, spooning and ROCKING OUT!

I'm good friends with Sasquatch.
Zappa says
15 years ago 8
#21 My favorite video game of all time is Shadow of the Colossus followed closely by Mario Brothers 3
Zappa says
15 years ago 7
#20 I don't like threesomes. They're way too overrated and nothing like they look in the movies. Feelings are involved.
Zappa says
15 years ago 5
#19 My bum is no longer itchy
Zappa says
15 years ago 3
#18 My bum is itchy
Zappa says
15 years ago 3
#17 I love beer. (That's a given)
Zappa says
15 years ago 11
#16 I've had sex with a man's wife while he watched. I didn't enjoy it but don't regret trying it either.
Zappa says
15 years ago 5
#15 My nickname in middle school was "U.L.M." which stood for "Ultimate Love Machine". Long story.
Zappa says
15 years ago 11
#14 I've been in 4 car accidents, none when I was driving. I still hate when other people drive.
Zappa says
15 years ago 7
#13 When I was a kid I wanted to be a rock star.
Zappa says
15 years ago 15
#12 I'm addicted to sex, always have been. I will have sex all day every day. 7-8 times a day is ideal.