Officially back in Gargleblasted, WOO!
Still on the fence whether to app Zell, or anyone, really @_x SOB. I need influence.
GB would get a FFVIII cast after I fell off RP, dammit! Tempting me to app there again...
Holy shitballs I almost forgot all about this site. Kinda fell off the internet, didn't I? 12.17 karma LOOOOL
[RP] Oh shit I should probably check in for AC, shouldn't I. Whups. Did I even make it this last month, ahaha I've been so lazy -_-
I see so much of myself in my muses, and I both hate it and love it at the same time.
[RP] Might need a bit of a hiatus.
That was a rollercoaster of emotions omg.
[spn] This episode is breaking my black little heart.