Abax Mods
28Friends 12Fans
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Abax Mods
12 years ago 13
We have a new NPC in the city! Go say hello!
Abax Mods
12 years ago 4
Our mini event is underway and involves building-warping. This will be an ongoing thing & look for another surprise soon.
Abax Mods
12 years ago
State of the Game for November is up!
Abax Mods
12 years ago 2
Reserves are now open! Please note they are now open for two weeks!
Abax Mods
12 years ago
Town Hall Meeting has been posted! Come discuss!
Abax Mods
12 years ago 3
A few intro posts inside, plus a reminder that the monthly Intro log is up!
Abax Mods
12 years ago
The Danger List has been posted! Please make sure your character isn't on it.
Abax Mods
12 years ago 13
Byron has a message for you Abax... and with this our Masquerade Event has concluded!
Abax Mods
12 years ago
A couple of intros to hit up, Abax!
Karkat Vantas
Artis Cousland