18Friends 18Fans
female Franklin, MA, United States
I like to roleplay online and have an obsession with purple.

ACTIVE: Wealldosillythings (Molly Hooper) on Dreamwidth. Main Muse as of Apr 2021. Orig established 2012 on LJ.

Herein, this plurk will be my Delirium prayer circle. (And also for just...S2 news in general).
2 years ago
It drives me nuts when websites break up clothing into the three genders: Women, Men, and Plus.
2 years ago
Changing my plurk icon. Well, attempting to. CHANGE IS HARD
2 years ago @Edit 2 years ago
Relationship Questions <1: Do they have a crush at the moment? (Plurk Paste)> For Molly. While I work on answering the last meme thing I plurked. >__>
Bad Brain Day.
2 years ago 5
I've been playing Molly for HOW LONG? I finally decided to look more heavily into the region-specific accent rather than just relying solely on her dialogue from Sherlock. This was a linguistic rabbit-hole
Finished s3 of Umbrella Academy and now it's ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT.

Well, that and ExU: Calamity.
2 years ago
Ohey i remembered plurk is a thing. (wave_okok)
2 years ago
It me! Remembering Plurk exists and that I haven't been on weeks.