6Friends 44Fans
female Waynesville, NC, United States
I am a SAHM artist type person. I have three beautiful girls and a wonderful husband....
acyaws says
15 years ago
I want a Mushroom and Spinach pizza with white sauce instead of read.... Damn
acyaws shares
15 years ago 7
acyaws says
15 years ago
Ugh Im tired, and going to bed... I hope to be able to airbrush tomorrow... Before I go to bed, I will post an updated look at Tink mailbox!
acyaws says
15 years ago 2
Valentines Day is highly over rated......
acyaws says
15 years ago
I watched Sophie's Choice last night, and I thought it was fantastic... Lots of emotions watching it....
acyaws says
15 years ago
Im so tired of coughing... I cough, and cough and cough.... :-&
acyaws says
15 years ago 2
she doesn't want to do anything today, but sleep... I'm so fatigued...... urgh.... (sleeping)
acyaws is
15 years ago 2
sittin' here on the porch, plurkin on the blackberry..... wheeeeee
acyaws says
15 years ago 1
cough cough... I am so tired of this... Coughing and sinus.... DAMN IT....... haha...ok, sorry.... :-&
acyaws says
15 years ago
Frank are you in Australia? If so, are you safe from the fires? (cozy)