10Friends 5Fans
female Singapore
1. I love blogshopping, and more...
2. I live in Singapore
3. I study in Dunman Secondary
4. I'm in 2G! best class :-D
5. I love drinking green Tea :-D
6. I love eating seaweed :-D
7. I am shy but crazy {♥}
ah_riiko is
15 years ago
listeninq to qee by SNSD! :-D
ah_riiko is
15 years ago 1
listeninq to BY2 不够成熟 ☺
ah_riiko says
15 years ago
she now feelinq hunqry wor :-o
15 years ago
just reaches home from tuition :-D
ah_riiko says
15 years ago
aiyos...haven't pack school baq....siao liao siao liao :-o
ah_riiko says
15 years ago
what is the bad new that sisters jiejie gonna tell me? :-(
ah_riiko says
15 years ago
she qonna have pe tomorrow :-D please....
ah_riiko is
15 years ago
qoinq to facebook le and do more quizzes :-) can add me too :]
ah_riiko is
15 years ago
feelinq very sleepy but cannot sleep :-o haiis
ah_riiko says
15 years ago
qood afternoon peepos :-D