32Friends 22Fans
female Taipei, Taiwan
Sunny thinks
14 years ago
Sunny says
14 years ago
There are many so this kinds of people in the world~how dark it wonder there is no potential in future.
Sunny says
14 years ago
Sunny hopes
14 years ago
EVERYONE All Pass~!! Yeah~and Catch the high score =] Let's work hard!!!! ESPECAILLY...0_0
Sunny loves
14 years ago
this kind of relationship~it's improving and going deep~haha~I'll catch the target!!Yeah~
Sunny loves
14 years ago
Talking and sharing secret with Joyce~have a really great time on Sat. afternoon.OH!! BTW,Knight also play an important role in my life!!
Sunny loves
14 years ago
My own style~have fun and keep smiling~
Sunny loves
14 years ago
Daniel chatted with me last night~how surprising!!
Sunny needs
14 years ago
保持一種坦然和無為的心態...生活會過得更美好 :-)
Sunny hates
14 years ago 1