55Friends 113Fans
female Bacoor, Philippines
i love my self.
i love GOD.
i love my family.
i love my friends.
i love my best friends.
i love my boyfriend, [JUNE JORDAN ROBERT DE GUZMAN]

“What others say of me matters little; what I myself say and do matters much.”
AiNZ♥21 says
15 years ago
kaen napo keo :-) (hungry) (mmm)
AiNZ♥21 says
15 years ago
goodnoon :-)
AiNZ♥21 likes
15 years ago
the movie patient x.. soo nice. and scary :-)
AiNZ♥21 is
15 years ago
soo tired. (doh)
AiNZ♥21 is
15 years ago
very happy because of their recently date with her hearty. :-) (girlkiss)
AiNZ♥21 feels
15 years ago
soo in love with mii HEARTY :-) (heart) (lmao)
AiNZ♥21 loves
15 years ago
this day. (cozy) (heart)
AiNZ♥21 says
15 years ago
these night iss soo amazing. :-)
AiNZ♥21 says
15 years ago
AiNZ♥21 says
15 years ago
raaawrr. i`ma cook muna fer mii breakfast. (wave)