49Friends 50Fans
female Lebak Bulus, Indonesia
Je serais peut-être pas aussi intelligent que vous, mais je suis une bonne personne.
Et les bonnes choses arrivent aux bonnes personnes! :-)
Amanda hates
15 years ago
studying CA (annoyed)
Amanda hates
15 years ago
the term Conversion Cost (money)
Amanda feels
15 years ago
mau belajar lagi tapi ngantuk POL
Amanda is
15 years ago
lagi belajar CA sama Icha, tapi jd ga napsu karena susah... (woot)
Amanda feels
15 years ago
oke. BELAJAR. (please jangan ngomong doang kali ini mand (tears))
Amanda wants
15 years ago
to study so bad tapi ga mulai2, udah 3 jam berencana doang (annoyed)
Amanda hates
15 years ago
Cost Accounjing & ShIok-anjiNG (angry)
Amanda says
15 years ago 12
Please, Manda, BELAJAR! (tears)
Amanda likes
15 years ago
this --> (annoyed) emoticon!
Amanda thinks
15 years ago
trailer Shutter Island gak asik nih, they give away the ending (annoyed). yet the ending is not revealed in the novel until the last 45pages