56Friends 11Fans
female Köln, NRW, Germany
I´m me... just me...nothing more ...nothing less...

*BLOGGER: http://akashasternberg.wordpress.com/...
please pay attention to my disclaimer
NO drama
PR Girl:
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3 years ago
Celebrate Love

First RL Wedding Anniversary, Mother´s Day and Father´s Day in Germany - all in one week plus TDCF hit it´s last week for the current round. This SCREAMS GroupGift and Freebie. WHAT?! More info in the post ;-)
Flickr: Celebrate LoveBlog: Celebrate Love
3 years ago
Exclusive for The Darkness Chamber Fair - Kailash
Event open until May 22nd

Circuit for The Darkness Chamber Fair - Ad Update
3 years ago

STERNBERG´s first Event Release has just hit The Darkness Chamber Fair - come over to find all the infos ;-)

Flickr: CircuitBlog: Circuit
featuring: [monso], alaskametro<3, +Psycho Barbie+, Blueberry, STERNBERG, The Darkness Chamber Fair, Oi Bae, //Bohemia//
3 years ago
Hello there! Our inworld store is now open, come and visit us! Yes, we actually have free beer. You can grab a nice beer stein for free at the store. There is also an exclusive group gift. So join our group and get the cute "new bee" t-shirt. And bring your friends.
STERNBERG Store OpeningIndus https://images.plurk.com/8MLVuXwFDzHiSJDNyiA5J.jpg
3 years ago
2. a friend started an event promotion agency for EUROPEAN goth/rock/alternative club owners and managers to promote their weekly schedule to EU partyfolks: The Alchemy Institute on Facebook
3 years ago
Hello Plurkies^^,
while my blog is still in indefinite hiatus I do have two new projects:
1. Jonian started his brand STERNBERG and I´m the PR Manager. It´s MP only for now, he´s negotiating for a store: Sternberg on Facebook
akashasternberg teilt
4 years ago

even the witches are electrified by the aura of this week... Details here

Flickr: ElektrohexeBlog: Elektrohexe
akashasternberg teilt
4 years ago
I´ve got the Gift!

well...Dollarbie... It´s time to move your body!

Flickr: I´ve got the Gift!Blog: I´ve got the Gift!
akashasternberg teilt
4 years ago

Strange things happen in the woods these days... What am I up to this time? Details here

Flickr: RitualsBlog: Rituals
akashasternberg teilt
4 years ago

a lovely rideout in the woods....in the dark.... what the.. AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OMG what happened? Details here:

Flickr: NightrideBlog: Nightride