265Friends 597Fans
female Semarang, Indonesia
just see neng-ocha.com
Fun to be with. Secretive. Difficult to fathom and to be understood.Quiet unless excited or tensed.
Takes pride in oneself. Has reputation. Easily consoled. Honest. Concerned about people's feelings. Tactful.
.:oCHa:. was
14 years ago 1
ada yang japri di YM, ngucapin met ultah...yaaaahhh!! masih lama maaasss (haha) (haha) (haha)
.:oCHa:. wants
14 years ago 10
facial..muka dah berasa tebel banyak komedonya (cry)
.:oCHa:. has
14 years ago 5
install pluroid alias plurk for android..tapi sampe sekarang loading mulu gak kelar2 dari 3 jam yg lalu (idiot)(idiot)
.:oCHa:. says
14 years ago
mari sholat maghrib... (worship)
.:oCHa:. feels
14 years ago
pundak capek!! berasa punya punuk! (cry)
.:oCHa:. is
14 years ago 2
mendengarkan OST Despicable Me berulang2 (music)
.:oCHa:. thinks
14 years ago 12
balik setelah hiatus berbulan2 (ninja)
.:oCHa:. feels
14 years ago 4
kangen merusuh (cry)
.:oCHa:. wants
14 years ago 7
tidur lagi! tapi tapi, kerjaan rumahnya banyaaaakkk!! *tutup tabs chromie* (lonely)
.:oCHa:. feels
14 years ago 2
ngelihat to do list kerjaan rumah udah capek duluan...gimana ngerjainnya?? (cry) (cry) (cry)