Alles Berlin
21Friends 11Fans
female Wedding, Germany
Alles Berlin 街市 ‧ 柏林
Über die Kunst und das Leben in Berlin

Alles Berlin is a blog for everyone who is interested in art, design and cultural activities in Berlin. It features on both established and little known creatives
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago 1
It’s all about Spring Birds! Semi Domesticated is holding their third event Show & Sell in their boutique
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago 1
Semi Domesticated 這間結合服飾店及展示空間的小店,再度舉辦名為「Birds of Spring」的 Show & Sell 活動,不只是策劃這個纇時尚展,並推廣這些獨立柏林當地設計師品牌,
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago 1
透過為期兩週的區域性電影節「Kreuzköllnale Film Festival」,希望將居住在Kreuzberg和Neuköln的電影怪咖群、喜好者聚在一起...
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago 1
The Kreuzköllnale Film Festival gathers a restricted audience of movie freaks
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago 1
What do you do on Thursdays? Grab a beer? Meet with friends? I propose an alternative choice, SHORTCUTZ
Alles Berlin 正在
13 years ago