1Friends 3Fans
female Philippine, Philippines
anaflor123 is
15 years ago
signing off...
anaflor123 asks
15 years ago
who should b blamed wen a leaf fell from a tree?.s 8 d wind dt blew 8 away or d tree dt let 8 go or the leaf which grew tired of holding..
anaflor123 says
15 years ago
sorry guys..got to go..
anaflor123 says
15 years ago
love isnt just merrymaking,its also...agony
anaflor123 says
15 years ago
sometimes we have to be hurt for us to know the real essence of love
anaflor123 says
15 years ago
never search for the one you wish to have , just wait for the right one to come your way,
anaflor123 is
15 years ago
doing nothing...just surfing..