17Friends 34Fans
male Tapei, Taiwan
andwhat 覺得
15 years ago 5
這個台北很小的,做壞事真的非常容易被抓到!! (dance)
andwhat 希望
15 years ago
(angry)fuck this god damn world~~~
andwhat 希望
15 years ago 5
today's work will run just fine~~
andwhat 希望
15 years ago 3
Friends in UK and CN enjoy their life~!
andwhat 覺得
15 years ago 6
Do, or do not! There's no "try"! by Master Yoda
andwhat 喜歡
15 years ago
Now this is THE car~~
andwhat 分享
15 years ago
Typhoon Morakot Fundraiser 什麼叫愛台灣?就是遠在國外也會幹這種事情來發揮愛心~~!!上去看看吧~會有捐款低!
andwhat 正在
15 years ago 10
andwhat 正在
15 years ago 4
andwhat 分享
15 years ago 6
google map 台北街景實在太屌啦!!!! 有空的人快去谷哥地圖看一下!!!