2Friends 34Fans
female Alexandria, VA, United States
Engineering student by day, crafter by night, photographer always. Catch me on where I sometimes remember to blg.
angelanoel is
15 years ago
back from knit night..small crowd but mucho fun
angelanoel is
15 years ago
heading downstairs to eat lunch and watch a bit of crap TV - no work hours for me today, apparently
angelanoel is
15 years ago 1
freaking out about how much school is and how she's going to pay for it and a thousand other things
angelanoel is
15 years ago 1
awake and hopeful today will be productive
15 years ago
finished an entire hat today - woohoo!
angelanoel is
15 years ago
fixing her categories and post tags on her blog
angelanoel is
15 years ago
awake and not happy that it's so crappy outside
angelanoel is
15 years ago 4
tossing the crap yarn she no longer wants tomorrow - trust me, it's total crap and not worth me paying to ship it to a charity somewhere
angelanoel is
15 years ago 3
finally home with zero guests!
angelanoel is
16 years ago
waiting for her dinner of veal chops to be done