2Friends 146Fans
female Phoenix, AZ, United States
angelsfromheaven wonders
15 years ago 1
if things will go well at school tomorrow. Technically I haven't even been accepted into the school yet, but they told me to show up anyways
angelsfromheaven is
15 years ago
babysitting again, worried I would get him sick but he already has a runny nose.
angelsfromheaven is
15 years ago
home sick, stupid throat hurts like crazy. Taking calls for 2 1/2 hours didn't help, so i came home
angelsfromheaven will
15 years ago
be babysitting my nephew till 9pm
angelsfromheaven wishes
15 years ago
I woke up earlier. Just found out I am babysitting tonight. I totally need to write these things down.
angelsfromheaven is
15 years ago
tired and should be sleeping. Doesn't know why I keep doing this to myself. Work in the morning.
angelsfromheaven has
15 years ago
decided scrapbooking and movies is the way to go today.
angelsfromheaven has
15 years ago
no kids to watch today, feels like I should go do something fun but there is nothing to do.
15 years ago
realizes that Netflix doesn't work well for me. It weighs on me like an undone to do list.
angelsfromheaven has
15 years ago 1
just downloaded the first episode of Forget What You Can't Remember on the itunes podcast!