: Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
: Hygiene hypothesis... Ada di Doctor House season 6 episode 7. Ngobatin orang pake cacing. Amazing!
: I gotta find my place. I wanna hear myself. Don’t care about all the pain in front of me cause I’m just trying to be happy...♪♫(◕‿◕)
: Why would I go on a search again when I know what the end will be. What good is love when it keeps on hurting me?
lama ga nge-plurk, karma jadi turun...weleeeehh...
: Di kepalaku ada suka yang menggila... Sudikah kamu mengenalku, mendekati aku...~~~
merasa bodoh dan ga ngerti apa-apa. Harus belajar lebih banyak lagi!
selese juga bikin daftar pustaka...saatnya tidur...Semoga nanti ga terlambat ke RS lagi...
: Hemat...hemat...hemaaatttt...!!!