164Friends 37Fans
female Berlin, Germany
Just love yourself and you're set ♡ ☁

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Gym Class Heroes: Stereo Hearts ft. Adam Levine (LYR...
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
Seeing a spider, isn't a problem. It becomes a problem when it disappears.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
The awkward moment when you finally take a decent picture and then as you continue to stare at it, it gets uglier.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
When I raise my hand in class, I don't get picked, But when I dont raise my hand, I get picked.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
How will you be happy if you just keep on hating :-(
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
You choose your own mood and I'm going to choose to be the happiest person ever.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
You shouldn't have to change yourself, or cover up your past to be with someone. A real man wouldn't care what you've done.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
If doing what makes you happy is the same thing that also makes them happy, they're the one.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
I give you my all, every time. Thanks for doing the same in return, I love you.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
Stop hoping and go make it happen.
Annelikesyou says
13 years ago
One positive messages kills a thousand words of negativity.