overheard advert in radio: Qld police gets 2.5%increment unlike 4.5% for other gov jobs n fights for equal incre. against inflation.
if gay marriage is approved in Malaysia I'd vote Donald duck ling and i-bra-him the best couple in MY history
was walking along Ann St, 3-4 cars with Spain flags honk like they are horn-y
Spain has won,flamengo dance anyone? I bet my ex company a lot of people coming in with sad face T.T
overheard: Amateurs worry about sharpening, pros's worry about sales, and enthusiasts worry about lighting.
blardy fool why cant QQ just reset password and send to my email @#^&!%@*#&%@!(#
sigma 30mm 1.4 is still the best !
octopus picked Spain, I'd luv Spain to win, but my ex company was good so I will be supporting Holland still.